DCTLGFVER )$VER: phonebook.catalog 01.00 (02.03.95) Phonebook New/Edit Save phonebook Load phonebook Options As IFF... Remove Quit / Abort Delet fax after dispatch Selected items: %ld Desired date of dispatch: Date: Time: Background graphics: Page _1 Page _2 up Additional text Definition of groups Continue Preconvert fax Coverpage: Input: Output: Load... Add... _Save all Save all _as... Save selected as... _Export all as... E_xport selected as... Print all P_rint selected Continue Cancel Continue First name : Comments : _Fax number : Street : ZIP code / City : User1 : User2 : Keywords : Groups: Clear mask Cancel Continue How shall the found items be used ? found replace old new = old AND found new = old OR found new = old EXCLUSIVE OR found new = old AND NOT found new = found AND NOT old Save as IFF file Phonebook Delete %ld items ? Background page 1: Background page 2 up: CONTINUE #Can not open intuition.library !!! OS version too old !!! "Can not open graphics.library !!! "Can not open diskfont.library !!! "Can not open multifax.library !!! !Can not open mfview.library !!! !Can not open mfphone.library !!! "Can not open tkrtools.library !!! #Can not open workbench.library !!! Ooops, got no port... No remote control possible !!! Could not open window !!! Percent: %3d Dithering ... Snapshot window < User 2> File already exists ! Overwrite it ? Can not open file [%s] !!! MultiFax pro 4.0 1990-1995; About... Working... 9Data has been changed since last save. Discard changes?